Drawing Conclusions
I have been egregious in drawing conclusions multiple times. If you google the word egregious you get definitions like "outstandingly bad" and "extraordinary in some bad way." Not like mean bad, just super wrong. It’s usually centered on me trying to figure out what God was doing or what someone else was doing. I’ve definitely had my share of times when I was right (I want to type out loud for the record), but I've also been wrong on everything from ideas to relationships to jobs. Those seem to be the times I learn the most.
Here is a short step-by-step example of how
I have sometimes drawn conclusions:
1) I prayed for something.
2) Something
happened that maybe kind of looked like what I was praying for under the right light.
3) I drew a conclusion, or assumed I understood what God is doing and my actions begin to be motivated by the conclusion I drew. “I smell what
you are cooking, God. Let me go ahead triple the cumin and add some Head Country
barbeque sauce (because, Ponca City), and I’ll take it from here.”
Then, as I
began to focus on them, or that, or whatever situation I assumed, I began taking
a few of my own steps trying to help the situation along, instead of waiting on
the Lord to create the path, answer my prayer, or lead me to His purposes.
have been times that I have been both overly romantic and overly pragmatic because I
assumed what God was doing. In the whole history of Haley, I’ve done everything
from practice writing my new last name based on relationship assumptions I’ve
made, to sending out resumes and emails trying to get myself in jobs or meetings
where I thought I should be. In hindsight, sometimes and so far, my
assumptions about certain people, places, or things were not right and they
didn’t lead to where I thought God was leading. Honestly, many times I would feel
a little check in my spirit when I started to get ahead of myself, but I
convinced myself I was being wise. In those times past, I just stepped right on
over that little check. Although I am still tempted, I do less crack stepping
over now, because I’ve learned a couple of things.
Here are a couple of things
I've learned:
- If God is in it, I can wait for it because it's coming. Whether it's writing a book, His provision, relationships, jobs, apartments, a church home, etc. it's "yes" and "amen" when God is in it.
It seems none of these ever come in my timing, but they do come in His as I
just keep doing the next right thing. He doesn’t need my help, He just wants my
“yes” and my trust.
- If it's not coming, God is still in it. I may just not be
headed where I assumed He was taking me or the timing may be off. Maybe He was
refining my heart, teaching me to love unconditionally, trust Him completely, or
allowing me to be part of a moment of refining for someone else? Our journey is personal, but parts of it He may entrust us to a situation or circumstance for someone else. The fix is to stop assuming His answer, and
start trusting his heart. It relieves so much pressure to know God has led and
is leading me, and that I don’t have to figure it all out in advance. Even
though I WANT TO really bad. His plans aren’t dependent on me catching the
coincidences or clues, they are just dependent on staying with Him.
It's so easy
to see a squirrel and start chasing rabbits. If we allow it, those coincidences and conclusions become not only our motivation to act, but they become our
justification to believe or not believe. Our belief in God, or trust in Him,
gets wrapped up and contingent on how we assumed He would move in the situation when our
desires lead our assumptions. But, what happens when we are wrong? Even
egregiously wrong. When we assume what God is doing, and we assume incorrectly, our
belief that God IS doing can be shaken or even destroyed. Assuming incorrectly
isn’t a sin. It just can lead to disappointment and disillusionment that we
shouldn’t have to walk through. Just like assumptions and unmet expectations can
harm any relationship, they harm our relationship with the Lord.
It's good and
well to walk steps out when something pops up, seems of interest, or seems like
too much to just be a coincidence. God does stuff like that. He has done stuff
like that in my life several times. ("816" being a significant one for me if you've read what I've shared before.) But when we laser lock our focus and we decide
prematurely that we know what God is doing, we are in danger of testing God not
trusting him. We should take those moments and coincidences and make ourselves
available to the person, place, or situation and see what comes through … it’s
called living life. Psalm 46:10 says: “Be still and know that I am God.” Not be
still and do nothing. Keep doing. Just be authentic and trust God with the
outcomes. We don't have to manipulate circumstances when God is in it. Every
“yes” and every “no” gets us where we are supposed to go. Don’t demand one or be
crushed by the other. (I like to say "we" a lot when I write because it makes me
feel like there are a lot of us that have done this stuff and not just me.)
There is a difference in walking in faith and walking around being tossed
about by coincidences and drawing conclusions that we start to try to build a foundation on. Faith has a foundation – the goodness of
God. If coincidences are evidence of what God is doing, then
someday you can look back on those things as confirmation and share your story of how God lit your path. Just be careful to not allow them to become your motivation focus until God has revealed enough of the path for you see where its going. You could be egregiously wrong and your relationship with him suffer a blow that your heart has to wrap around. Be motivated by your belief that God is faithful and He is at work in your life.
Walk relationships and opportunities out and see where they go. Live the life He's given you. Just don’t force
your own path based on assumptions and coincidences that could lead to regrets.
Trust Him for your future, so when the time comes, you can praise Him for your