Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Zimbabwe

by - September 04, 2014


"Haley, Haley you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary..."  When Jesus said these things in Luke 10 he was talking to Martha, not me. But, scripture is there to teach us how to know the will of the Father.  And as I have been busily worried and bothered by the international and national news, trying to get presentations for my next trip that begins tomorrow ready, as well as personally pack and get my emotions and head ready to travel for two days straight, this scripture popping up in my quiet time this morning was perfect. "so many things; but only One is necessary."    Only One is necessary, and like Mary I want to choose the right One.  Only my proximity to him, will determine the value of my location, my words, my work, my love.  

On Monday I spent half the day on work that I found out later had already been done.  My bad.  So on Tuesday I skipped my morning park and sunrise time (one of my favorite times of day) and went straight to my new office/2nd bedroom.  I thanked The Lord for the reminder that I cannot do this without him, especially after wasting what in my mind was precious time on Monday, and asked him to give me clarity to get done what needed to get done.  He did, and it is.  Today I got a notice from the US Consulate in Zimbabwe that typhoid is on the rise in Harare.  I'm at the laundromat as I type this out.  I had mashed potatoes at lunch, instead of veggies.  I am not done packing. I'm hoping my print job will be ready when I go back by there.  They were swamped with people and work and one announced that if she did not get her smoke break she was going to start screaming.  She maybe needed the reminder I received this morning...."you are so worried and bothered about so many things; but only One thing is necessary.  Sometimes just saying His name is enough.  Jesus.  Perspective.  Help.  Hope. On the path of life with all seems to work out.


I'm at Will Rogers airport.  My brother picked me up well before the crack of dawn to get me here. Thanks Chris.  So far I've had 3 strangers ask me where I'm headed (that does't happen at DFW) and their faces kind of wrinkle up when I say Zimbabwe.  "A lot going on over there right now," one guy said.  Africa is a really really big continent, but from here everywhere is "over there." 

I stopped by for a bottle of water and saw one of June Hunt's books in the airport bookstore.  How to Deal with Difficult Relatioships.  It's a good one. I'm going to  DFW then Dubai then Harare.  Then, in a few days, to Lusaka.  Then in a few days after that back to Dubai, to Chicago the land back here at home in Oklahoma.  That feels good to type out.  That will take about 21 days to complete.

I always get a little weak kneed before these trips, anxious...but when I am weak....He is the One who is strong.  Which reminds me of a little song...sing it if you know it.

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