After a very long week...the week is over. Dad ended up spending a couple of days in the hospital as they cared for him through chemo reactions. His blood pressure continues to be very low, and he has had a lingering infection they are throwing several different antibiotics at. He has probably felt the worst he has ever felt this week. But on Friday morning they met with Dr. Waheed and her words were "the Myeloma is coming down very nicely. Excellent response." Breathe in. Breathe out. Praise the Lord for this report. The chemo is making him more sick as it heals what is attacking him. This pain is bringing him healing. It feels awkward to be thankful for that, but it is his long term healing we pray for.
I've had several conversations about this very thing lately. About having to fight hard battles to be set free from the chains that bind us, and how it can be a humbling painful experience... A close friend is coming through a struggle with addiction. The pain and hurt he is going through right now is bringing him healing. Doesn't make it easier, but makes it worth it. I am thankful for the pain of his sobriety that is moving him toward new life, over the pain of his addiction that was destroying him. I don't know if my friend is thankful for that everyday yet, but he is getting there one day at a time. Other friends are struggling through reprioritizing their lives. It has been a painful, humbling process for them to put God first in their lives and family as they understand more and more who they are in Him, and how the things of this world are temporary. It's hard to fight our nature, but it's worth it. For me, leaving my first life of trying to accomplish things all on my own was a painful experience. God had to take my strongholds and break them. My identity in my accomplishments and career, my pride. I could have denied it, avoided the pain and stayed right where I was, but when we call out to Him He moves on our behalf. He had to take me away from where I was not because of the place I was, but because of me in the place I was. I had many idols that I put above God, and that is not what I had promised Him in my youth when I first came to know Him as my Savior. My life felt empty no matter how much I tried to make it mean something. It was never going to satisfy me, because He had other plans for me. As soon as He heard me call out to Him after years of really only griping at Him, He guided me in the direction He had for me even though it was painful. Toward healing. Toward new life. Fresh air. Breath. Intimacy with Him. Peace. I would not go back to before the battle.
Whether its cancer, addiction, or pride fighting the battle brings us the healing God has for us. I'm so thankful my Dad and my Mom have the courage to fight. I'm so thankful as my friend celebrates 90 days of sobriety today, and I pray God continues to help him wage war. I'm so thankful as God gently breaks strongholds in my friends' lives that they continue to have the courage to step through the fog He is lifting. I'm so thankful that even when my heart deceives me, even when the enemy attacks me, God sends me gentle reminders of His love and purpose for my life and gives me the courage to trust Him with my moments, my days and my future.
This week Dad's battle has him wearing a mask anytime he is in public, getting his blood pressure regulated, and looking to the end of the week to possibly have his first bone marrow collection. After they collect it, the marrow will be treated for 4-6 weeks, then he will have the bone marrow transplant. The week after collection dad will meet with the neurosurgeon to determine the best course of action to address his C2 vertebra. We are uncertain of what tomorrow holds, but certain of Who holds borrow a line I have no idea how to cite for credit. He will begin to lose his hair in the coming couple of weeks so I'm going to start hat shopping.
Our prayers are for mom and dad's comfort and rest, for the medicine to continue successfully fighting the myeloma, for the side effects to be few and mild, and for him to be protected from infection. He is getting blood transfusions and platelet transfusions. Mom and Dad are so grateful to be at UAMS where they have two appointments a day at the clinic to receive medicine and do blood work. I told Dad it has been a long time since he was in two-a-days. He said he's trying to get back up to his playing weight, but thinks he can do it. :) Two-A-Days are hard, but worth it.
Thank you all for praying for his continued healing.
I've had several conversations about this very thing lately. About having to fight hard battles to be set free from the chains that bind us, and how it can be a humbling painful experience... A close friend is coming through a struggle with addiction. The pain and hurt he is going through right now is bringing him healing. Doesn't make it easier, but makes it worth it. I am thankful for the pain of his sobriety that is moving him toward new life, over the pain of his addiction that was destroying him. I don't know if my friend is thankful for that everyday yet, but he is getting there one day at a time. Other friends are struggling through reprioritizing their lives. It has been a painful, humbling process for them to put God first in their lives and family as they understand more and more who they are in Him, and how the things of this world are temporary. It's hard to fight our nature, but it's worth it. For me, leaving my first life of trying to accomplish things all on my own was a painful experience. God had to take my strongholds and break them. My identity in my accomplishments and career, my pride. I could have denied it, avoided the pain and stayed right where I was, but when we call out to Him He moves on our behalf. He had to take me away from where I was not because of the place I was, but because of me in the place I was. I had many idols that I put above God, and that is not what I had promised Him in my youth when I first came to know Him as my Savior. My life felt empty no matter how much I tried to make it mean something. It was never going to satisfy me, because He had other plans for me. As soon as He heard me call out to Him after years of really only griping at Him, He guided me in the direction He had for me even though it was painful. Toward healing. Toward new life. Fresh air. Breath. Intimacy with Him. Peace. I would not go back to before the battle.
Whether its cancer, addiction, or pride fighting the battle brings us the healing God has for us. I'm so thankful my Dad and my Mom have the courage to fight. I'm so thankful as my friend celebrates 90 days of sobriety today, and I pray God continues to help him wage war. I'm so thankful as God gently breaks strongholds in my friends' lives that they continue to have the courage to step through the fog He is lifting. I'm so thankful that even when my heart deceives me, even when the enemy attacks me, God sends me gentle reminders of His love and purpose for my life and gives me the courage to trust Him with my moments, my days and my future.
This week Dad's battle has him wearing a mask anytime he is in public, getting his blood pressure regulated, and looking to the end of the week to possibly have his first bone marrow collection. After they collect it, the marrow will be treated for 4-6 weeks, then he will have the bone marrow transplant. The week after collection dad will meet with the neurosurgeon to determine the best course of action to address his C2 vertebra. We are uncertain of what tomorrow holds, but certain of Who holds borrow a line I have no idea how to cite for credit. He will begin to lose his hair in the coming couple of weeks so I'm going to start hat shopping.
Our prayers are for mom and dad's comfort and rest, for the medicine to continue successfully fighting the myeloma, for the side effects to be few and mild, and for him to be protected from infection. He is getting blood transfusions and platelet transfusions. Mom and Dad are so grateful to be at UAMS where they have two appointments a day at the clinic to receive medicine and do blood work. I told Dad it has been a long time since he was in two-a-days. He said he's trying to get back up to his playing weight, but thinks he can do it. :) Two-A-Days are hard, but worth it.
Thank you all for praying for his continued healing.